INTRODUCTION Charaka (3rd century BC) was one of the great physician and inventor of new medical system of Ayurveda, and healed many people from their various health related problems. He is the author of the Charaka Samhita. Charaka was lived in Jalandhar in the present day Punjab. He is considered as the father ofRead More →

SESHADRI SWAMIGAL INTRODUCTION Seshadri Swamigal was born on January 22, 1870 at Kanchipuram. Even as a child, he has done miracles. Once Seshadri wants to purchase an idol of Lord Krishna from a shop, and asked his mother to buy it. The trader gave the idol to the child forRead More →

INTRODUCTION Nagamani Adigalar(19th century AD) was born in Mylapore. From his younger age itself, he was deeply involved in spirituality. He was expert in all the regional languages, and he worked in different professions such as doctor, teacher and scholar, and preached various holy texts among the people like theRead More →