

Khema was the first female disciple of Buddha. She was foremost in wisdom and was an exemplary monk who realised the impermanent nature of life. She belonged to a royal family of Magadha in the city of Sagala. It is said that her name means golden hue and as she was born with a golden skin she was named Khema. She was extremely beautiful and was very conscious of it at all times. When she reached marriageable age she was married to King Bimbisara the King of Magadha and became one of his chief consorts. She took great interest in her looks and was vain about her beauty. King Bimbisara was a devoted follower of Buddha and wished that his wife too would go to the beautiful grove where his monastery was present and listen to his discourses. One day Khema agreed and bedecked in finery she decided to visit the monastery.

Khema’s Awakening

Buddha was giving a discourse and noticed her approaching him. With his psychic powers he created a vision of an exquisite maiden next to him. Khema was entranced by the vision as she felt her beauty surpassed her own. Then before her eyes Buddha made the beautiful maiden age and Khema saw the maiden’s skin wrinkle, her hair turn gray and her body age. It then collapsed and passed away, leaving behind a corpse which turned into a heap of bones. Shaken that everything in nature was impermanent, Khema suddenly realised that the same thing would happen to her. Her vanity and pride were shattered as she realised the illusory nature of life. Bowing to the Buddha she sought refuge in him. Buddha preached to her on the transient sense pleasures and the impermanence of physical beauty. As she was highly spiritually evolved from a number of lifetimes she attained Arahantship very soon. She then received permission from King Bimbisara to enter the Noble Order of Nuns(Female monks).

Past Lives

Khema was highly spiritually evolved as she had been in proximity with the Buddhas and Boddhisattvas of many previous lifetimes and had studied and practised Dhamma. Thus she was able to penetrate the truth very quickly and attain Sainthood. Khema’s earlier births are related in a number of Jataka stories where she had been endowed with wisdom, patience and always possessed a virtuous character.


She ranked first among female disciples of the Buddha and with her sharp mind, wisdom and analytical skills helped the Buddha in spreading his message and training the female monks to whom she was a veritable role model. She was respected by all for her compassion and insight into the higher teachings. It is said that King Pasenadi of Kosala asked her several questions and the answers given by her were exactly similar to the answers given by Buddha. This made the King realise her greatness and her complete identification with the Buddha’s teachings.


Khema’s lucid exposition of the teachings and wisdom made a lasting impression on many people who came into contact with her. Khema’s heart was already pure and perfected in many previous births which led to her enlightenment in a short time.
