Vedic Society was far advanced in every sphere of human activity and we find interesting information on the 64 Arts in the Scriptures that has laid the foundation for crafts and fine arts that are available in the modern day. These were not gender specific and we find both men and women highly accomplished in these soft skills. The subject matter is drawn from texts like the Vedangas and Upavedas, and the Shilpa Shastras, or craft manuals. In this section on Vedic Society, you can find well researched articles on the Arts and Traditions of each state of India, on the jewellery, gems and dresses from different parts of the country. Various myths that have taken root in the modern mind are discussed under the section Myths about India. What is the name of our religion? Why were we named Hindus? Is there a basis for addressing us as Hindus? What are various legends associated with places and people? Our country has many colorful myths. Acquaint yourself with all these by browsing through this section. Who are the original inhabitants of this country and who are the settlers? Is there anything known as the Aryan invasion or is it the figment of imagination of an overzealous mind. The Aryan Invasion Myth clears all doubts.
Women were accorded a high position in society and several women became pioneers, leaders, artistes and saints excelling in whichever field of endeavor they chose to participate. The much maligned caste system that was followed in the Vedic Society was based on occupation and certainly not by virtue of one’s birth.