Hindu temples share certain core ideas, themes and symbols though they are of many styles adapted to different deities and regional beliefs. Their structural rules are described in various ancient treatises on architecture like Vastu Shastras and Bruhat SamhitaRead More →

One of the most revered pilgrimage sites in Maharashtra is the holy land of Pandharpur, which is 65km from Sholapur on the banks of the River Bhimarathi (also known as Chandrabhaga). The main centre of worship for the Hindu deity Vithoba, Read More →

Hinduism believes in the existence of one Supreme God ‘Paramatma’ but though God is one, He manifests himself in innumerable forms and is both the Reality and the Unreality, the Seen and the Unseen, The Manifest and the Unmanifest, The Purusha (Divine entity) and the Prakriti (Nature, Divine Energy). HeRead More →