Hanumat Pancharatnam

वीताखिल-विषयेच्छं जातानन्दाश्र पुलकमत्यच्छम् ।
सीतापति दूताद्यं वातात्मजमद्य भावये हृद्यम् ॥ १॥

vètákhila-vishayeccham játánandáshru
sètápati-dütádyám vátátmajamadya
bhávayehrdyam. (1)

I now meditate of Hanumán, the son of Váyu, who is free from all desires for the enjoyment of objects, in whom the tears of joy rolled down coupled with horripilation, who is pure in heart, who is foremost among the messengers of Ráma, and who is dear to the heart.

तरुणारुण मुख-कमलं करुणा-रसपूर-पूरितापाङ्गम् ।
सञ्जीवनमाशासे मञ्जुल-महिमानमञ्जना-भाग्यम् ॥ २॥

karunárasapüra – püritápangam
samjèvanamasháse manjula-
mahimánam anjanábhágyam.(2)

I desire to see Hanumán, te fortune of Anjaná, whose lotus-face is red, whose side-glances are filled with the waters of compassion, who brought back to life all those who were dead in the battle, and whose greatness in praiseworthy.

शम्बरवैरि-शरातिगमम्बुजदल-विपुल-लोचनोदारम् ।
कम्बुगलमनिलदिष्टम् बिम्ब-ज्वलितोष्ठमेकमवलम्बे ॥ ३॥

bimbajvalitoshûham ekam evalambe.(3)

I take refuge only in Hanumán, who is the fortune of Váyu, who is above the shafts of Manmatha (the god of love), whose beautiful eyes are like the large petals of a lotus, whose neck resembles a conch and whose lips shine like the bimba fruit.
दूरीकृत-सीतार्तिः प्रकटीकृत-रामवैभव-स्फूर्तिः ।
दारित-दशमुख-कीर्तिः पुरतो मम भातु हनुमतो मूर्तिः ॥ ४॥

dürikruta-sitartiç prakáûèkruta-
dárita-dashamukha-kirtiç purato mama
bhátu hanumato mürtiç.(4)

May the figure of Hanumán shine before me the figure which dispelled the agonies of Sèta, which manifested the might and glory of Rama, and which destroyed the fame of the ten-headed Rávana.

वानर-निकराध्यक्षं दानवकुल-कुमुद-रविकर-सदृशम् ।
दीन-जनावन-दीक्षं पवन तपः पाकपुञ्जमद्राक्षम् ॥ ५॥

vánara-nikarádhyaksham danavakula
kumudaravikara sadruksham
dènajanávana-dèksham pavanátapç

I saw Hanumán the result of the fully developed austerity of Váyu, who was the leader of the multitude of monkeys, who was to the race of the Rákshasas like te rays of the sun to the waterlily, and who is dedicated to he protection of the distressed.

एतत्-पवन-सुतस्य स्तोत्रं यः पठति पञ्चरत्नाख्यम् ।
चिरमिह-निखिलान् भोगान् भुङ्क्त्वा श्रीराम-भक्ति-भाग्-भवति ॥ ६॥

etat-pavanasutasya stotram yaç
paûhati pancarathákhyam
ciramiha nikhelán bhogán bhuktuá
shrèráma bhaktibhág-bhavti.(6)

One who reads the Pancaratnastotra of Hanumán, becomes a devotee of Sri Ráma, after having enjoyed all objects for a long time in this world.

इति श्रीमच्छंकर-भगवतः कृतौ हनुमत्-पञ्चरत्नं संपूर्णम् ॥