Marriage: The Aryan And The European Civilizations


Differences between the Aryan and the European marriage
The Early Third Race of Men
The Secret of Conjugal Compatibility
Differences between the Aryan and the European marriage

What distinguishes the Hindu or Aryan civilization from the European is a thorough recognition, given by the former,to the three planes of existence – physical, astral, and mental. All our Aryan institutions are based upon the postulate of the three lokas of Bhuh, Bhuvah, and Suvah.

The European marriage, unlike the Aryan, is more of a temporal union and has simpler ritualswithout much of spiritual significance in it.

Far otherwise the Aryan ritual is based upon the recognition of the various Hierarchies of Intelligences, presiding over several processes of nature. Beings of three planes or lokas are invited to be present in the marriage rituals to bless the union of two beings into one, and to co-operate in the production of an offspring which is to excel the two beings whowill unite in producing it.

The Early Third Race of Men

Manu says – “Husband and wife are the same” – a puzzle to all Materialists. How can the husband (a male) and the wife (a female) be the same?

विप्राः प्राहुस्तथाचैतद्योभर्तासास्मृतांगना । (मनुस्मृति. अ. ९, श्लो.४५)

The mystery is cleared up when it was understood that man was androgynous during the early part of the Third Race (TririndriyaManava Kula) before the separation of the sexes took place in the latter part of it.

In our Puranas, DakshaPrajapati typifies the Early Third Race of Men, holy and pure, as yet devoid of an Individual Ego, and possessing passive capacities only. Brahma ordered him to create; while obeying the command, he made inferior and superior (Avara and vara) progeny, bipeds and quadrupeds, and by his will gave birth to females, to the Gods, the Daityas (the giants of the Fourth Race of Men), the snake-gods, animals, cattle, and the Danavas and other things.

However, it was Daksha who established the era of men engendered by sexual relationships. The mode of procreation did not occurr suddenly and required long ages before it became the one natural way. Till before the time of Daksha, they were variously propagated – by the will, by sight, by touch, and by the influence of religious austerities practised by devout sages and holy saints.

(Vishnu Purana, II. 10)

The Secret of Conjugal Compatibility

The distinction of the sexes belongs only to the Sthula(Gross) and Sukshma(Subtle) Sariras (bodies), not to the Karana Sarira (Causal body). Man and woman, as husband and wife, should be complementary halves of one whole, which was at one time androgynous.

The cause of sympathy and perfect compatibility between one particular man and one particular woman is to European and American investigators, ‘a subject of infinite mystery and obscurity’.

The Hindu Maharshis do not despairingly exclaim, as does Philip GibbertHammerton: “Sympathy and incompatibility – these are the two great powers that decide for us whether intercourse is to be possible or not; but the causes of them are dark mysteries that lie undiscovered, far down in the abysmal deeps of personality”.

On the contrary, the Maharshisprovide means in Astrology to fathom these “mysteries”, and find out whether the intended bride will suit the bridegroom or not. An astrological investigation of kutas or affinities of the bride and bridegroom reveals their physical, temperamental, and spiritual compatibility or incompatibility. Yoni, Nadi, and Ganakutas reveal the compatibility or otherwise of the Sthula and Sukshmasariras, while GrahaMaitri settles their spiritual agreement or disagreement.