Lighting Lives

Adored by the Rig Veda in the morning, by Yajur Veda at mid day and in the evening by Sama Veda, He is the primal cause of the whole universe, the destroyer of darkness and the harbinger of good. The Vedas extol Surya as He is the One who incorporates the effulgence and power of the Vedas. He is said to be the eye of Agni, Varuna and Mitra in the Vedas. He is said to be the conqueror of diseases and the bestower of good health. The Gayatri Mantra from the Rig Veda is dedicated to the Sun God Savita. Elaborately extolled in the Upanishads and eulogized in almost all the Hindu scriptures as the creator of day and night, the giver of light and heat and the God of Vegetation and Fertility, the Suryopanishad states that any worshipper of the sun will become intelligent, all powerful, enjoying a fairly long life. The Surya Namaskar or ‘Salutations to the Sun’ were incorporated into the daily obligatory routine followed by Hindus from Vedic times. These physical prostrations to the Sun were a form of indicating complete surrender to the Effulgent One who has the power to light up lives and remove misery. The water offered to the Sun with the Surya Namaskar performed daily is said to ensure longevity, good health and freedom from diseases.

On a more mundane level, the Sun is the nearest star to the Earth and the reason for life on earth. Its rays kill harmful bacteria and provide vitamins, vitality and energy to mankind. The day-night cycle, respiration, photosynthesis, rainfall and almost all processes are governed by the sun. Ultra violet rays in the right proportion during sunbathing, chromo therapy and phototherapy causes healing of a number of skin ailments and it is also used to sanitize tools and water.

Fossil fuel governs world economy largely as it has proved to be the largest source of energy. But it is non-renewable and nations have to look for better alternatives. Rich countries which have had an abundance of fossil fuels start feeling the pinch when their supply of fuel runs out. Their economies get thrashed and this in turn affects the global markets. Energy crisis leads to inflation and it is always the developing nations that feel the squeeze. But it is not just the economy that gets hurt by the fossil fuel. On a larger note, the environment also suffers.

The emission of harmful gases released during the burning of the fossil fuels is destroying the water cycle and causing a worldwide climate change. Global warming is the direct result of excessive consumption of fossil fuel. Alternate sources of energy should be explored urgently. The use of alternative energy is inevitable if we do not want floods and landslides. The disturbance in water cycle has caused change in seasons and disturbed wild flora and fauna. Alternate sources of energy that do not pollute the fragile environment should be used if we want to reverse the irreparable damage that has already been done to this earth.

Solar energy and solar power is being harnessed in recent times as it is an important source of renewable energy which would reduce pollution, global warming and dependence on other exhaustible sources of energy and power. Efficient ways to harness solar energy are being explored on a war footing. It is time responsible companies take the leap towards green energy. Of course, until recently solar energy on a commercial scale was expensive and inefficient and also highly unreliable. But with innovations in modern technology and manufacturing processes, it has become one of the easiest ways to harness clean low-cost and environmentally-friendly energy. We could as well plug into the massive power of the sun and watch our workplace and homes light up for days and months without fear of power shortages. Free of pollutants, inexhaustible and unlimited in supply and available to all irrespective of status or place, it is little wonder that the Sun is the self-luminous sustaining embodiment of divinity that nourishes and energizes the inhabitants of all the worlds with his rays as the Aditya Hrudayam praises him.